The Bluespot Club


reefhotspot does have a guarantee. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's 14 days. I just never got around to calling them about the firefish, but I probably will tomorrow. I'm interested to see how they handle it - if I get a credit easily, or if they will ask for pics of the fish, etc...

Cranky is still doing very well and eating homemade mush like a champ between 2 and three times a day. I got all my tanks on a schedule of small meals 2 or 3 times a day cause that's how our anthias like it. :dance: The bluespot seems to be doing very well on that schedule as well. They all seem to think the mush is just about the best thing ever and I'm happy that all fishy residents, especially Cranky, are eating and healthy.


Active Member
Good to hear. You are tempting me with all this good feedback...When I get paid and get all my frags we'll see how much is left.


I'm trying to stay positive about the survivability of Cranky. He does seem really healthy and active, which is awesome! However, having read a good portion of this thread it is pretty difficult to be too terribly optimistic about his long term health. I've only had Cranky for a week so I don't want to feel too responsible for your getting one from reefhotspot if it doesn't work out... :look: Let us get to the 2 week mark, or even better, the 1 month mark before you use me as a good example of the survival of their fish. I'm not in any way telling you not to get one. I think this is the most wonderful fish and it would be cool for everyone to have them - provided they can survive in a tank. Good luck with your jawfish, should you decide to order one. Overall, my experience with reefhotspot has been a good one. If Cranky dies, I don't think I'd be able to say for sure that it was an issue with that company or if it's just an issue with this type of fish... If I lose Cranky for some reason, I will try one more time with one from Diver's Den, which I'll wait as long as I need to to get one from them. My LFS had two yesterday, but they were going for $210 each! That I would not do since neither of them looked too great anyway. Oh well, just my thoughts on it... Take care and I hope it works out. :hallo:


Active Member
Thanks, I am in no hurry, if yours last a month I will try one from there. I never had my last ones more than about a month.


Digger has been with me for 9 months now and goin' strong! Scott (Dentoid) has had Spotty for longer than that! BTW, I got Digger from my LFS. If I were to order one on-line, I'd definately look at Live Aquaria.


WOW! 9 months! That's awesome! Now I feel better. :bluenod: Good job to you and Dentoid for keeping them that long! That's great.


Tonight I was doing a Google search for pics on jawfish. I came across this one and thought I'd share it. Don't know about you, but I think it's neat! It's from National Geographic!



I liked it because you can actually see jawfish babies in his mouth! Can you count how many there are? J/K!

Ever wonder what our beloved blue spots look like when they are ready to breed? I found this pic of a male blue spot on google! WOW! They sure look different!

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Both those pics are amazing! I think there's 437 babies in there!

That color on the spawning male is so great!

Here's a pic of my little Cranky I took today. He's gotten really fat. Might be time to cut back on feedings a little... :smck:


Well-Known Member
That is soo cool.
I wonder how you could raise baby bluespots. The market is definitely there and captive bred would have a better chance of surviving.
Does anybody know how to tell the males from the females? I have one blue and am seriously considering getting a second. I would love to have an actual pair.


I've actually been really interested in breeding them for a while. From what I've read, there is no way to def. tell which are males/females, except when they are in a mating season (when the male gets that white coloration). I also read that the males tend to have larger heads to facilitate carrying the fry, but that you really can't tell who has a big head unless you can see a group of them together... Jawfish have been successfully bred in captivity, but not recently I guess... I really haven't found that much good info on raising the fry. I ordered the Martin Moe book, Beginner to Breeder, because there is a section in there that deals with breeding jawfish. Hopefully that will have some good info. He seems to be the only person I can find on my web searches who has actually bred and raised jawfish. It seems like people have spawns but they can't get them to maturity. I really really want to breed them, but the research I've been doing is pretty discouraging.
Perhaps I'm getting a little ahead of myself though. :dummy: let's see if Cranky makes it to the dreaded one month mark before I decide to go further with it...


Well-Known Member
I didn't even realize the jawfish in the pic had babies in his mouth! Even cooler!

LS - I know what you mean about the 4-6 week scary period on these guys!

My kids are swapping homes again. After they do it, they look at me and say - "Who me? I've always been in this hole!" It's a good thing they look very different from each other. My husband still can't tell the difference between the two of them though.


Well-Known Member
So when do they change colors? Once the babies are in their mouth? I so want to have a pair but I am scared to death that they will fight and something will happen to my beloved Sunshine.
As long as I am here to see it I have other tanks I could move the newbie to but they are not as good of a home for a blue. Darn reef still has CC but I guess it would do. I keep talking myself into and out of it. I think I'll check Diver's Den and see what is there.


Well-Known Member
No way!
That is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
If you get babies you have to try to raise them. Captive bred blues would be the bomb.