Yikes! Should I be worried about tunicate heavily expelling waste??


New Member
I came home today to find my g/f rearranging the house, figures she also had to stick her hands in "her" new 8gl nano to move things "the way she wants" only a month after setting it up . Don't worry, she got the lecture again. No sooner did I get to the part about a little universe of creatures she's ticking off and possibly destroying the integrity of the cycle this early in the game, a tunicate looking thing started expelling mega waste into the water clouding the entire tank, something I haven't seen once yet. To top it off, she also decided to make changes when there is no saltwater on hand for water changes. For now I have a tiny HOB filter with carbon running. Am I being over paranoid or should I get to the lfs for some water??


New Member
I agree, if you think there is a problem, do some checks for ammonia - nitrite - phosphate and see if anything looks off. Then do the water change. Or just do the water change without checking but I like to know if anythig is amiss first. In an 8g something can go wrong very quickly.