Yellow Watchman Goby with chewed fins and white "patch"


Hello all,

I have a RSM130 which is just over a year old. My oldest fish is my yellow watchman goby. He has had, on and off for some time, this white patch, or lack of yellow, on his side. But it seems to be getting worse.

I also noticed that he has a chunk it two missing from his top fin.

Other tank mates include two juvi false perc's, a royal gamma, a Caribbean pistol shrimp (they have not paired but do hang out together sometimes) a cleaner shrimp and the usual CUC. I have not seen aggression towards the goby and he acts normally and eats well.

I don't have a qt tank.

Any ideas? Thanks!




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Active Member
The fin will grow back. I'm not sure about the patch of white. It is a big area. Maybe he's rubbing on some rocks that shifted recently?


Steve L

I had the exact same fish vanish 2 weeks ago. I figured my pistol or peppermint shrimp got really hungry and decided to kill him in his sleep. One day he's there doing great and the next day gone, and I'd had him almost 2 years. There is nothing else in the tank that would or could have killed him. My CUC must have eaten whatever was left of the poor guy.