yeah, Im ready


Well, I report almost 3 months ago that I had ich and I took the advice to remove the fish left and let the tank sit. Well I hope I'm ready to try a fish again. I'm very reluctant. My 2 fish are in the qt and have been treated and are doing well and staring at the bigger tank wondering when they are going to get to their new home.

I need some assurance here that its time. ?????? How am I going to know its ok. It cost money for these fish but on the humane side I don't like the the fact these fish are involuntarily sacrificing their life.

Also, in my main tank in the last week ish I have noticed an enormous abundance of air bubbles accumulating all over every non living surface. Anyone know if that is good or bad?


Well-Known Member
HI John, How long has it been since you noticed any ich on the fish? I would think it would be ok to put them back in the display tank. Acclimate the fish very well so they dont get stressed and hopefully the ich wont come back.

Im not sure what you mean by bubbles? Tiny clear air bubbles? Or algae redish bubbles.. Clear ones are fine and will go away in time. Algae bubbles you can increase flow and use a turkey baster to blow it off the rocks and scoop out any floating with a net..
HI John, How long has it been since you noticed any ich on the fish? I would think it would be ok to put them back in the display tank. Acclimate the fish very well so they dont get stressed and hopefully the ich wont come back.

Im not sure what you mean by bubbles? Tiny clear air bubbles? Or algae redish bubbles.. Clear ones are fine and will go away in time. Algae bubbles you can increase flow and use a turkey baster to blow it off the rocks and scoop out any floating with a net..

As for i have alot of bubbles that sit on my rock or under it while doing water changes it always happens to me but turkey baster works on your fish hopefully everything is ok with them.



my fish that were left have been in the qt for the same period as the dt has been running without fish. going on 3 months. I have also treated them with copper as well and they seem to be doing fine.

I have clear air bubbles all over the tank. They just started showing up. I'm assuming its not a sign of anything bad unless someone has another experience.



If you want insurance just make sure you add all new fish to the quarantine for at least a month before adding them to the display.Treat accordingly if they show signs of disease. If the tank has been fishless for 3 months and the fish in quarantine are not showing any signs if ich, go for it.