Yard Sale in Modesto, CA


Well-Known Member
Giving away fish tanks isn't always an act of kindness...sort of like the drug pusher who gives away the first dose...get them hooked...:D


Well-Known Member
heh-heh...as I unpacked boxes the other day, I started one of my own..."I'm keeping that, and this, and that, and wow...I'm NOT getting rid of that..." She just gave me "THE EYE" and didn't say anything. She knows I'm keeping my 20, just in case...


New Member
Glad you kept something BoomerD! I could tell you can take the man away from the reef, but you can't take the reef out of the man! I'm glad I was able to stop by and much thanks for the books. They are awesome except I forgot to take the "Marine Fishes" book to Sacramento when I went window shopping for fish/corals!