Xenia fragging advice needed


i purchased a zenia colony about the size of my fist about 6 months ago and its taking over my tank.anyways,i talked to my lfs and he wants to trade with me for some stalks.anyone know how to remove the zenias from the rock without killing it??what can i mount the stalks on to take to my lfs??how do i mount the stalks??any advice would great thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: zenia fragging advice needed

I just use my fingernail to gently coax the Xenia off the rocks. If you have some small live rock rubble, pile it up, and stick the xenia in the pile, it will attach quickly.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Re: zenia fragging advice needed

You can peel the xenia off the rock using a fingernail, then place a few stalks in a juice glass with rubble in the bottom of it. Make sure to place the glass in a low flow area of the tank or else the xenia will just float away. They will attach themselves securely within 7 days if they aren't disturbed. This is the method that I have used hundreds of times with 100% success rate.


New Member
Re: zenia fragging advice needed

FYI - Stinky Stinky!!! When you peel the Xenia's off the rock they WILL make your hands VERY VERY SMELLY!!!! It is also quite difficult to wash the stink off. In case I didn't mention it, Xenia = Stinky. :)


jamesgang said:
Can you cut a Xenia at it's base and have it grow back like a Kenya tree?

I haven't done it, but yes. My lfs says to slice it off with a razor blade and use a toothpick - spear it near the bottom like an olive - to secure it to a rock with rubber bands or something.

I would much prefer Woody's method above, and wish I had known that earlier.