Xenia and Chemi-Pure Elite

I am trying my hand at Xenia, I have received 2 frags from my LFS. It's been about 4 days, they don't look great, but only one or two stalks have melted. I know they kind of like dirty water. but I am anal on water changes. Right now i am using GFO and Carbon in my hangon filter. There is also Chaeto in the DT. Is using chemipure elite going to make things worse for them? My LPS are doing great, along with my many shrooms. GPS not real great. It's a 10 gallon tank. Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the "dirty water" theory is true, my water is pretty clean, phosphate of .05 (most kits would read 0, but the digital tells all) ammonia, trites and trates all 0, and my xenia, that I've had for 3 weeks has added quite a few heads already. I know 3 weeks doesn't make me any kind of authority, but I thought I'd add my .02. MG is 1450 and calcium 450.


my experience is xenia needs a minute amount of phosphates..when my phospahtes dip to undetectable..my xenia looks faded..


Well-Known Member
Phosphates are the only thing that shows up...I guess it's better to be lucky than good!


I use Chemi-Pure Elite and also small amounts of activated carbon with phosphate remover and my xenia have proliferated. I don't buy the theory either that they only do well in "dirty" tanks and mine is a prime example. Get some and give it a shot!


New Member
I have two large, non-pumping Zenia colonies and am running carbon and UV sterilizer. Mine are doing almost too well - VERY robust growers. The thing I have found to be most important is the flow. My colonies do best in very high flow area - the polyps are whipped by the flow of the Vortech pump. I've tried them in lower flow areas and they seem to just shrivel and dissolve.