Wouldn't it be nice??


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I don't know if anyone else is like me but when I'm looking to buy "livestock" online, I look at reputation but then a close second is location. I live in Boston and I am hesitant to buy something that has to transport from CA......just something about all that travel that bothers me.

So, I put on my thinking cap and wondered if there was a way to show the closest vendors to me based on zip code......or maybe an interactive map with "dots" that when scrolled over, would display a brief summary of the company/sponsor.....kinda like Google does.

Maybe this isn't helpful to anyone else but I thought I would toss it out there.


BK :apimp:


Well-Known Member
I'm in SC, LFS in my area never has anything I want and if they do it never looks good. I have 1 on-line store I trust 100%... DFS. I get shippments from both CA & WI overnight express if FedEx screws up DFS will full refund or ship you another without question. I've never gotten a sick fish from them! I've ordered from dealers in FL and closer to me but overnight is overnight. I'd rather have it in the plane than sitting on a dock somewhere till next morning. Good luck!