Will this light work? Current 48" Sundial


New Member
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the aquarium world and bought a set-up from a local fish store, really wishing I'd have checked craigslist first :eek:h: Anyway, I need to upgrade my lighting from the basic two bulb skinny florescents since I want to start adding more corals with higher lighting requirements. I was wondering what the general consensus is on this light Will it have enough lighting to work for my set-up. It's a standard sized 55 gallon with a small sand bed. I want to add some high and medium light corals, I would put the high light ones toward the top and the mediums lower, eventually I want to get an anemone for my tank but that is still months away. I was kind of leaning toward this light because of the simplicity of it's design, the timers, and the moon lights. I have a purple lobster that likes to wander around at night but it hard to see. If anyone could look at it and five me their opinions that would be truly helpful.


Also I don't know alot about corals, can someone please explain SPS LPS all that to me, confusion. I just know some of the main ones by seeing them at the store but don't know what kind they are. I know I want some brain coral and pulsing xenia but other than that I haven't really looked.
in my tank, a sixline, 2 maroon clowns, a purple lobster, watchman gobi, banded star, 3 emerald crabs, and TONS of snails!!


Well-Known Member
That fixture should let you do all that you want. Your plans seem logical and possible. Remember that the key is pristine water conditions and good lighting. Make sure you have a good skimmer and and more than adequate live rock.

SPS is Short Polyp Stony coral (like acroporia)
LPS is Lon Polyp Stony coral (like frogspawn)

Xenia is soft coral

Take your time and learn as much as possible. Go slowly and only after you are reasonably sure of what you are doing.

Your present inhabitants are a very good choice. I wouldn't recommend more than one more fish. No tangs please. If you like dwarf angelfish tone might be a good choice to complete your fish load.

Good luck and keep moving slowly. You can consider a bubble tentacle anemone after your parameters have been stable for at least six months but you will have to upgrade lighting first (which you already know). You could probably do Xenia at any time as well as mushrooms and many other soft corals. They will survive in low light but will thrive with the lighting you are planning on.


New Member
Great I'm checking on my old post, and low and behold my boyfriend comes home with a tang. We've had it for about 2 weeks and he seems really happy and healthy. He's still small now but eats anything we throw at him, nori mysis and flake food. Guess now I have a reason to start my bigger tank fund. Right now my tank is 48" long and has alot of flow so he seems to get enough swimming around in. I'm more afraid of when he gets bigger.