Will a 4 bulb T5 fixture be ok for my tank?


I have an 85 gallon flat back hex (24" high) that currently has power compact lights inside the hood. I am looking to upgrade to T5's and here is the setup that has been recommended to me.
IceCap PRE-WIRED 36" 4 Lamp Complete T 5 Retrofit Kit - AquaCave

Will the four bulbs be enough (don't have the space for the 6 or 8 bulb setup) light for sps corals if I keep them mid to high in the tank?

If the 4 bulb setup will be ok, what bulb combos do you recommend? I will be using Giesemann bulbs.



I have a 4 bulb fixture over my 55 gall and I am getting decent growth out of SPS. I do keep most of them mid-high in the tank. There is a guy called grimreaper on another well known reef site that is great for giving bulb suggestions. I just asked him the same question and he suggested the following as an optimal setup: 1 UVL Aquasun, 3 ATI Blue +. I currently only have some Geismann bulbs available so he suggested 2 of the Actinic +, 1 Midday 6000K and 1 460 NM (Current USA bulb). If available I think he would have suggested 3 of the Actinic +. HTH.

reefs reefs

I have had t-5 HO in my tanks from day one don't make the mistake of only getting the t-5 bulbs. Get the t-5 high output bulbs. I have 2 white and 2 blue sitting on top of a 120 gallon tank im able to keep clams and sps with them o yea its a 120 gallon tall so the light is strong enough to get to the bottom. not much is known about them and not very many hobbyist know much about them because they are new. Some including me would say that they are stronger than MH. Good luck