Why is my clown turning black


So my surviving clown has been turning black. I noticed this started a few weeks ago but I thought maybe it was already like that and have not noticed.
Now that I look at him, he has turned even more! Is this normal? If son why is it happening? If not, what do I do and why is it happening?

PH: 8.1
KH: 8
Gravity: 1.025
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm

Here is a pic but I could not get him to sit still long enough to take a clear one so its blurry. He looks more black in person.



Active Member
GOMA might help me with this recollection..... but I thought another member a few months ago had the same thing with his clown and it ended up turning back to the original color with the black disappearing??


Social Media Moderator
I can't see the pic (at work), but if it's turning black on top and on the sides from the head to the first stripe or two, you might have a true percula.


I can't see the pic (at work), but if it's turning black on top and on the sides from the head to the first stripe or two, you might have a true percula.

It started in the center on the top of oh his head and went down the sides all the way to the tail. Its about 40% blackish now. I also notice hes getting less translucent.


Active Member
GOMA might help me with this recollection..... but I thought another member a few months ago had the same thing with his clown and it ended up turning back to the original color with the black disappearing??

Found it. Matt Spivey 4 months ago had a clown turning black, returned it to LFS, replacement started turning balck, AND the clown that went back to LFS was back to it's original color, and no longer black



Found it. Matt Spivey 4 months ago had a clown turning black, returned it to LFS, replacement started turning balck, AND the clown that went back to LFS was back to it's original color, and no longer black


Idk that thread is really suggesting that hes stressed. He does not seem stressed and its not something that happened over night its started a few weeks ago. I am hoping its just the maturing process and he will bounce back to orange.


Active Member
let's keep our fingures crossed.

How is his behavior? is he active? Eating? acting normal?


he is very active, eating like he's starving. always grazing, he playing with the pumps output right now. swimming into it and letting it shoot him across thank like its white water!


he seems to hang around at the top and in-between the heater and glass at night. The emerald crab seems to try and crab him sometimes but not really aggressive all the time.


Active Member
Maybe he feels safer there at night but if the heater kicks in I would tend to think that might be somewhat stressing for him. Perhaps you can add something that may host him?


Active Member
Perhaps you can put in a small clay pot like Diana did and so far clowns love them as a host. I'm just reaching for straws right now.


Active Member
The older my Female has gotten the darker and broader her black stripes have gotten. Here is a pic of what mine looks like currently....