WHite bubble tip anenome

ok so today at the LFS i decided to buy an anemone the guy there directed me to a white bubble tip aneome i thought it was bleached and asked him, he said it was fine and it was healthy...i've had a very good relationship with the guy and he's always been very helpful so i took his word for it, researching i found their is such thing as a wbta but i think this ones just bleached what you think please respond? anenomes are not my strong suite


if its fully bleached then theres def. a good chance it could be the demise of the nem, if you have great water params. and it is feeding well then it may recover. If it is readily eating I would feed it a small piece of krill every other day, mayb every day if its showing improvement. really need to see a pic b4 I say nemore


New Member
yea mine was white and now it is a brownish green.it took about 3 months and it has split 2 times so feed it meaty foods and proper lighting and it should be fineIMG_7179.JPGhere is a picIMG_7136.JPG