which is a good wrasse


i'm looking for a nice colorful wrasse for my 55g tank. i don't want a 6line. i was looking at the pinstripe wrasse but have heard they aren't reef safe. anyone with experience with this particular wrasse. any suggestions for a cool colorful wrasse that not going to be a bully.


thanks for the suggestion. i looked them up and they are a gorgeous fish. it says to have them in schools do you think a male and female would be too much for my 55g i have a goby in there and plan on having a pair of clowns. i have a good skimmer and i feed every other day so i don't think the bioload would be too much but i don't know for sure.


I have a six line wrasse, thats been in my tank for about two months now and he is awesome...does not bother anyone in my tank


mystery wrasse is one of my favorites. I also like my radiant wrasse and yellow coris wrasse. IME six lines can be NASTY once they are established.


thanks everyone. i've been looking at the solar wrasses and the radiant ones. a lfs has the smallest 6lines i've ever seen. i was tempted to get one, but have read a lot about how they can become jerks in time. do the mystery wrasse harrass cuc at all? i plan on adding some shrimp and don't want the mystery to take them out.


Well-Known Member
My wrasses all seem to like to munch on cleaners of all kinds but then again mine are relatively large. I used to have shrimp, and I used to have lettuce nudibrach but both became lunch as well as many snails, bristle worms and pretty much anything else. :)
IME all of the wrasses get a bit agressive as they get larger. Not really agressive. More like food agressive. Mine are big bullies at dinner. Be sure to look at the max size of the fish as some get rather large. I bought a red corris without realizing how big it gets. Marvelous fish but man is it getting big. Stay away from the cleaner wrasse. Three reasons. One they are needed in the ocean to do their job. Every one that is taken leaves an empty space in the reef where fish can no longer go to get "clean". Two they are very very difficult to feed. The vast majority starve in captivity. They just don't like prepared foods. Yes, it has been done, but more die than live. Three there are several look alike fish that can be quite mean. There is a false cleaner wrasse that looks very much like it but it tricks the fish into thinking it is going to clean their gills and instead bites.
That's my 2c on wrasses.
PS I love my yellow corris. Food agressive, but beautiful and just swims around if it is not dinner time.


New Member
You could try a Leopard wrasse. These eat small crustaceans off the live rock. You need a well established tank.


Well-Known Member
wrasses, my favorite fish, I've had so many.. But they should be in a tank with sand, I did my wrasses without a sand bed and they do eventually jump. Just a quick tip from me. But one of my favorite small wrasses for a 55g tank size is a Hawaii 4-line wrasse!



thanks everyone. the clown fairy wrasse is the same as the solar right. that's what i get from reading but i may be wrong.


New Member
I have a red fairy wrasse. He bothered the other fish for awhile until we moved the rocks around and now everyone gets along fine!!!