whats your favorite fish in your tank?


i would have to say my blue assessor and my yellow watchman goby. the goby don't take no crap from nobody. and the assessor is just beautiful.




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My Naso. She was eating out of my hand on her second day in the tank :)


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Another vote here for the blue spot jawfish. a close second would be my blue face angel which I have had go through the color change from juvenile to adult. Beautiful fish.


My yellow watchman.......it isn't the prettiest fish in the tank...but it's full of personality !

When I sit in front of the tank.....it slowly creeps up to the front of the glass and "peeks" over the bottom edge and "watches" me......lol



Well my 90 gallon tank isn't set up yet however when my older brother had it set up it was the Maroon & Gold clownfish Aka the mad digger. For such a small fish compared to Coral Hind, Lionfish,Yellow Tang,Regal Tang, & Peach colored Anthias.He may have been smaller but he sure had an attitude. This tank suffered a cyano outbreak and was torn down and the surviving fish given to a friend who had a 200+ tank with various small & large angelfishes.
oooooooooo how do you choose! think its gotta be my baby carrabian tang! was sold to me as normal yellow tang! but he wrong shape and got the tell tale blue outline around fins and tail and stripe above and under eye!
then close second my mandarin, joint third mmmmmmm my grumpy lawnmower blenny and new damsel not sure what kind she is she tiny! orange with bright blue spot on her anyone know?