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I have a 35 gallon tank with two blue chromis and two clowns. I figure I have room for one more fish. I am looking for recommendations on what would be compatible with above. I am looking for one very colourful and very exotic looking fish that will fit the bill. Suggestions?


Princess Diana
I have 2 clowns & 3 BlueGreen Chromis and I agree that you are near your fish limit but could probably get away with ONE MORE as long as it is one that will stay small.
I'd suggest a Royal Gramma.
I have one...bright color, peaceful & stays relatively small. :)


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I like the royal gramma as well however they can be a little territorial.

I personally dislike the chromis...... Wicked little buggers once they get established


I like the royal gramma as well however they can be a little territorial.

I personally dislike the chromis...... Wicked little buggers once they get established

I have 2 BlueGreen Chromis and have had no issue with the recent addition of a pair of clowns. The Chromis are behaving.


Princess Diana
My Royal Gramma OPENS his mouth REAL WIDE if he feels threatened by any of the other fish (I love seeing him trying to bluff them!) but he/she (don't know which his is, LOL!) never chases any others around the tank.
My Cherub Angel is my sometimes little devil :angel4::angel4: but he hasn't killed anyone yet either ;)

So Bryan...What fish would you suggest?


New Member
I recommend something a bit more on the aggressive side that can handle your current damsel tank.

Assessor (Royal gramma, yellow assessor, blue assessor)
Dwarf Angel


Princess Diana
Towards the end of this video, you will see a little bit of aggression between my Royal Gramma & one of the Green Chromis. Provoked by feeding time, I assume anyway.
My fish were being video bashful...normally the attack the veggie sheet. :yummy:


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
My Royal Gramma OPENS his mouth REAL WIDE if he feels threatened by any of the other fish (I love seeing him trying to bluff them!) but he/she (don't know which his is, LOL!) never chases any others around the tank.
My Cherub Angel is my sometimes little devil :angel4::angel4: but he hasn't killed anyone yet either ;)

So Bryan...What fish would you suggest?

I was onboard with the royal gramma. Stays to itself and is really colorful. It's "aggression" is somewhat cool as long as the other fish respect it.

My buddy has (had) a green chromis in his reef and couldn't catch it for years. It harrassed and killed a lot of fish. Cute when small but tough sob's when big and established......almost like the domino damsel.


I have a Royal in with a Bi-Colored Blenny & a Banggai. All model citizens, no aggression at all. But he/she does own the entire left rock island :)