What to do in a power outage?


Active Member

No power loss with 18-20 inches of snow.

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Squatch XXL

Well-Known Member
Hope everyone has power - looks like many got record amounts - lets see some snow pics
Here in central PA we got hammered. Largest single storm recorded. Over 30 inches reported at Harrisburg airport. Power was not lost at all, as the clock on the oven is not blinking 12:00.

Here is a photo of my 2 Cadillac Sedan Devilles. The rear one has an odd "lump" on the side. That is the side view mirror poking out.

That was last night at this time looking out from my front door. I spent an hour and a half just to expose the back car, and by 10:30 pm I was done. The plow truck came through an hour later, and created a 5 foot tall pile of heavy dense stuff. That took another hour and a half this morning starting at 9am....from there I cleared as many neighbors as I could (note to self: Get a snow blower for next time). Than over to my parents house with my shovel. I borrowed dad's snow blower and bailed out a few neighbors there. By 4 pm, I swore I was done helping.....I went to a church meeting tonight at 7pm, to find the church did not plow one bit.....and on the way down a back road home, I found a family struggling to free their honda from a mis-judged landing into their driveway. They were off the road, but basically in the cabbage. Lucky for them I had second thoughts about removing my shovel from my trunk. I gave them and hand and made it back about an hour ago. Counting my own property, I helped shovel out a total of 7 properties today. Some quick, some slow. The snow was so deep in some places that it needed knocked down just so the blower would process it. It was a good day. I made $0.00 dollars, but feel great for acting like a human.