What should I put in my freshwater tank?


New Member
Hey Guys!:bump:

Would it be okay if I put some neon tetras with lots (not too many) of plastic fake plant with maybe some shrimp in a freshwater tank? What if iput some mollies/platies with some fancy guppies?

Thanks! :pBJ:


New Member
which size is your aquarium? neon tetras and plants is a classic combination that works very well but be wary of shrimps, some shrimp species eat small fishes.And some pet stores sell you the wrong type of shrimp like happened to me . Also neon tetras are very delicate fish. If you a begginner mollies/platies with fancy guppies will work better for you.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!:bump:

Would it be okay if I put some neon tetras with lots (not too many) of plastic fake plant with maybe some shrimp in a freshwater tank? What if iput some mollies/platies with some fancy guppies?

Thanks! :pBJ:

Like any other aspect of this hobby, it all comes down to what do you want out of the tank?

jmmg33 brings up a good point, how big a tank are we talking about? also, how much time and effort do you want to put into it?

For myself, fake plants in a FW tank is akin to fake corals in a SW tank. In other words you only do it when there is no other option, but that's just me.

I'm not a big fan of most of the live bearing fish, guppies, mollies, platies, and swords being sold today. First off, most of the varieties have been so inbread that it's really hard to find good looking fish at you LFS. Expect to go to a really large speciality aquarium store, or breeder for anything decent. Second, Because of the inbreeding, most live bearing fish being sold today are poor wuality for a health standpoint. If your going to try them anyway, Set up a quarantine tank for them, and get them healthy and in good shape before you add them to the display tank. Most of them come from hard or brackish water, so some salt doesn't hurt, about 5% to 10% of SW is fine. Mollies of course, and be acclimated to 100% SW over time, and actually will do a lot better in brackish water.

Because of this, I'd recommend going with tetras, rasbora, barbs, or danios plus the usual catfish. Again, it depends upon what you like. My personal favorites are the tetras.