what is your favorite l/r hitchhiker?


Princess Diana
I have seen 3 Stometella snail hitchhikers in my tank...it would nearly have to be a "shot in the dark" to get a picture of them but I think they are so awesome! I'm hoping they reproduce, they seem to have grown really fast.
One of mine, I rescued right before dipping a rock in coral RX. My best "save" yet. :D

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
One time I witnessed a couple hundred Stomatellas all climb to the tops of the rocks and spawn at the same time. I don't have any stomatellas now :confused: They've all been eaten. I do think they are excellent cleaners.


Princess Diana
Hey y'all....post some pictures in the August Photo of the Month thread.
Mike, you've got some AWESOME pictures. :D


I've had several very interesting crabs tag along. In particular a banded crab, which I now suspect ate many of my beloved firefish. I try not to hold it against him.

I also picked up a Borneman's Anemone, which has since produced 1/2 dozen or more offspring. It has been very interesting to watch them develop. They change colors a lot as they grow. In being new to this hobby I didn't dip anything I got for the first two years, so I took a lot of good with the bad. I'm lucky I've gotten a lot more good than bad.



Well-Known Member
i wonder whats been eating your stomatellas? thats odd

I believe my peppermint shrimp took out my stomatella snail. I didn't see it do it, but had the snail for years and then added a pep and w/in the week the snails was dead. I found the empty half shell, searched for what would prey on it and found lots of info that peps have been known to eat them.

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. I think everything loves Stomatella Snails. When they shed their tail that's still wiggling while they run away the predators get their first taste. It's just a matter of time after that.


good thing you told me i was going to buy some peppermint shrimps on the weekend for some aptasia thats growing :crossed: guess ill look for another solution .. i saw something on youtube someone burning them with a solder pen :idea:


good thing you told me i was going to buy some peppermint shrimps on the weekend for some aptasia thats growing :crossed: guess ill look for another solution .. i saw something on youtube someone burning them with a solder pen :idea:

Yeah... don't go that route. That guy was an idiot! Aiptasia X works, but you need to move the rock to QT with no flow and let it say on the aiptasia for 48 hours.

My favorite hitcher was my plate coral. I saw little tenticals and almost aiptasia X'ed it, but I am glad I took a closer look!


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Had a baby clown that came with an anemone last time. Not really LR but hitchhiked nonetheless :)


Princess Diana
Opened the top of my RSM 250 this morning and got to say HELLO to a Stometella (snail on a half shell ;) ) crawling on the tank rim :D Anyone know HOW BIG these snails get??
This one has really GROWN! :bugout:

Edit: Hope he can find his way down & back into the tank. Thinking I could help him...found out he is suctioned way too tight to pry off safely :( I'll have to check after work today to see if he wondered he way back down.
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