What is this on my tang.


Is that velvet? It is currently in hypo being treated for what I thought was ich as it did have raised spots on it that are no longer there. This morning it looked like it had a rust colored blotch on it, but now that is no longer there. I want to be sure before I add cupramine. I may do prazipro as well. This was the only way I could get good pictures of it.


Well-Known Member
Don't do hypo and copper. If it is ich, pick one and go with that. What I can see though I have no guesses about. Hopefully someone else will chime in soon. Good that you have him in QT. Keep him as comfortable as possible (dim lighting, super clean water (watch PH closely) and cover the tank so he is not disturbed. Best I can do for now.
Post as many details as you possibly can, so the disease experts can have more info to work with.
Tank parameters, age, other fish, any changes recently, feeding habits, anything and everything you can think of. Feeding habits, anything.


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
As much as I hate to say it but netting him and holding him out of the tank while snapping pictures is prolly not the best idea.
It's tough to tell. I would try and get a picture of him while he's in the water.





Here are some more photos.

Temp: 77.8 F

Sg: 1.009

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 0

Ph: 8.4

Tank mates: 2 clowns and a coral beauty


AC110 with added biomedia from an AC20 (new media)



MP10 as a powerhead (fancy for a qt, but I have had it since they first came out).

Eating habits: currently not eating NLS small fish pellets today but ate spirulina 2 days ago and yesterday ate some formula 2 for herbavores.

Clowns still eating

Coral Beaty eats certain foods.

What I feed: Nori, formula 1 and 2, Spirulina, mysis, cyclopeeze, nls pellets


Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Tough to tell. If I'm seeing what I think I see it looks like big white patches? It doesn't look like ick but it's tough to tell from the pictures. I've never done a hypo treatment before only copper and Prozipro.

Hopefully Lee will be able to point you in the right direction.


Has been struck by the ban stick
Dude keep the fish in the tank. Please. U have the number 1 ich magnet here. So if i were to hazard a guess I'm going with ich. Cupramine treat n pray he eats. Ich is a toughie on the regals.

........I have nothing intelligent left to say.


Since he is already in hyposalinity, should I slowly raise the salinity and treat with cupramine or keep at hyposalinity and not use cupramine? I went out and got cupramine, prazipro and ich X (has formaldehyde 3%) as well as a salifert copper kit just in case. I've gotten some very bad advice from lfs, other forums as well as local reef club members so this is a good wake up call for me and I'm thankful I found this forum.


Has been struck by the ban stick
Tangs r very sensitive fish. Especially the hippos. I prefer cupramine. As for hypo I've only treated other fish that way it was tough for me to control the water.

Thus is what id do, not a recommendation. Id slowly raise the sg n get the tang eating. Once the tank n tang has adjusted id follow the cu treatment.

........I have nothing intelligent left to say.


Well-Known Member

The first step to treatment is getting as good a diagnosis as you can. From the photos the only thing I can make out is a skin infection -- either bacterial or viral. I would treat this with an antibiotic. The photos don't give me enough information to go beyond this guess.

The descriptions does lend one to believe there is or was a Marine Ich parasite attack. Hypo only addresses this type of parasite. Other parasites don't die from this, so if the 'spots' don't go away, the parasite isn't Marine Ich.

The water quality readings you have given are suspect. Why would nitrates be zero?

Try to get the fish to eat. Nourishment will go a long way to helping the fish heal itself.

Netting the fish only disrupts the mucous coating on the fish and risks physical damage. Neither is helpful to an ill fish. The neeted photos were of no better use than the others. You need to get real close or use a very good zoom lens and fill the whole photo with the fish, in clarity and high definition. Hard to do, I know.

In hypo you can start the Cupramine treatment as you raise the sp. gr. You don't have to wait for the sp. gr. to be high to start the Cupramine treatment. However, do not start an antibiotic treatment until the sp. gr. is near normal.



Thank You Everyone. The good news is I fed the fish this morning some spirulina with a little garlic and everyone is eating including the Tang. The test kit I have is an API saltwater test kit. The Nitrates came up as 0 on it (the color was a yellow). However I know those kits aren't the most acurate so there are probably some there. Tonight I will do a good sized water change and slowly bring up the salinity and use cuprimine as suggested. I did notice this morning a slight increase in ammonia of 0.02-0.03 ppm as my seachem indicator was NOT at alert (0.05 +) but wasn't total in the safe range either (less than 0.02 ppm). I did a small water change this morning to bring that down and will do a bigger one tonight when I get home. I'm running fresh carbon just in case (I'll take the carbon out when I do cuprimine).

What would be the best Anitbiotic for this treatment after the salinity is up?

Maracyn One or Two for Saltwater Fishes?


Thanks Again.


Well-Known Member
I see. At your first opportunity, start doing titration tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. The 'Alert' system is very 'weak' for relying upon, especially under medicatations.

For topical infections (like I think you're dealing with here), I'd go with Furan-2 (Nitrofurazone) or any medication with the same antibiotic you find in Furan-2. I'd keep on hand some Maracyn Two for Saltwater fishes just mostly for systemic infections. Check out: http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums...17-stocking-marine-fish-medicine-cabinet.html

Since the fish is eating, try to get some immune boosters into it, too: http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/fish-diseases-treatments/67943-fish-immune-boosters.html