What is it ?


This is growning on some tonga live rock, it black and grey and is growing out from the center in a semi cicular pattern.


Contributing Member
LOL, Kevin...I was thinking more along the lines of part of an Oreo cookie...

I'll see what I can dig up....has it been growing rapidly, how long have you had the rock?


I will try a different angle of picture, but the rock has been in for about 6 months and it's doubled in size.


Hey John,

Have you touched it? Does it have a hard or soft texture? and has it been growing outward from the center the way a snail would or is the entire thing growing at once? Have you ever noticed any extensions or movement from it?

I was thinking Cowpie myself. I've never seen anything like it, but might guess it's a hard housing for something like a snail, worm, or crustacean. But that's just a wild guess.

-Rogue :rolleyes: