What is a good 4x T5 lighting configuration for my setup?


New Member
I am looking to replace my 4x 54watt T5 lamps in my light for the first time and the choices are overwhelming. I was wondering what a good configuration would be that looks great and will give my coral what they need. I am unsure of the lamps loaded in there at the moment since the markings seem to be burnt off and the light is 2nd hand. The best I can describe them would be 2x normal day light bulbs which make everything look well lit but very blah and boring then 2x very blue lamps which make my green star polyps glow like a black light. While I have both light turns on it looks OK, but I do not have much of that nice blue glow I am looking for.

I am trying for a configuration that brings out the color of my fish and coral while not making everything 90% blue. Are there any sites out there that can show you the lighting effects from mixing different lamps? If not that would be a neat flash site for someone to make :)

Here is what is in my tank:


Brown Button Polyps
Green, Brown and Redish Star Polyps
Cabbage Leather
Unknown Neon Green Sponge


Mimic Tang
Yellow Tang
Green Chromis
Ocellaris Clownfish
Serpent Star
Emerald Carb and Peppermint shrimp with assorted hermit crabs that never come out of hiding much.

Please excuse my lighting noobness and thanks in advance for any tips.
