what do you feed your lobo??


Just wondering what you feed your lobos and how often????
also info on placement in tank and water current advice would be great!!


Brunt of all Jokes~
Hmm i feed mine every 3 to 4 days, mysis and cyclopese, because of their soft fleshy body they do well on sand, mild current and mine like shaded areas as they wanted to bleach under mh, but that could be just acclimation to lighting. Steve


Color: The Lobophyllia Brain (Assorted Color) has a brown, green, tan, cream color.
Type of hard coral: Large polyp stony coral (LPS).
Diet: Carnivore.
Feeding: It likes to eat filter feeding invert food, Mysis Shrimp, micro-plankton a few times per week, when open..
Behavior: The Lobophyllia species is generally semi-aggressive toward other tankmates.Care: Many consider the Lobophyllia species a low-maintenance specimen.
Lighting: Has strong lighting needs.Symbiotic algae zooxanthellae are hosted within this organism.
Water flow: The Open Brain, Carpet Brain Coral, Flat Brain Coral, Flower Coral, Meat Coral, Modern Coral, Tooth Brain Coral requires low water flow.
General notes: Will sting other organisms near it, so give it space.
Water parameters: Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Origin: The Lobophyllia Brain (Assorted Color) is commonly collected from Indo-Pacific.


i bought one a while back and it looked great for about 2 weeks then stoped opening up up.its alive but just doesnt open up like it did.i have it in the sand but its out in the open with 3x400 watt mhs .not sure if thats the problem or maybe not feeding enough.any feedback here would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I've fed mine a few times.
Most of the time, they eat what the tank gets... not target feeding.


Well-Known Member
I have a large red lobo. About 8 inches across. It was bright red when I got it. When I put it under my lighting, 2 250 watt MH and 8 54 watt t5s, 12 inches over my tank, he turned pink. After about a month he regained all of his red coloration back. I feed mine Whole Krill, Whole Silversides, and Chunks of Table shrimp. It seems to open more for these large food items, but mine is really large. I also have mine in an area of moderate flow.-Michael


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
When I had a lobo (removed it because my copperband butterfly was nipping it), I feed it once a week with chopped seafoods or thawed fish foods. I eventually removed the cleaner shrimp from my reef because they would pull the food from the lobo's mouth.


Well-Known Member
We target feed ours once a week with shredded shrimp. We have to feed the skunk cleaner prior to feeding the corals, but he leaves them alone as long as we do.