what do you do....


to keep yourself interested in your tank.

What I am getting at is I enjoy setting and watching my fish. If my family isnt home I have know to do it for hours. But I like to tinker and change things all the time. But I have ran out of stuff to do. This make me want to just go bigger and the wife said a very loud NO! So what do you guys do to keep involved in the tank other than maintenance.


Buy a second tank! At the fish store i worked at we called wives "dream killers" A guys would come in and we would sell him on an awesome large set up. (not up selling, we all know bigger is better" but then he would speak the death phrase of, "let me go ask my wife" well 9 out of 10 times he would leave the store with a 20galllon piece of crap starter tank with this sad look of defeat on his face.
So really a wife's no it is usualy a no, but if you ask me, upgrading a tank is well worth sleeping on the couch for a few days.


Just get the bigger tank and when she tells you to sleep on the couch then put the couch infront of the new tank and watch and play all you want lol.Then by the time she forgives you you'll have it all set up lol.