Water from shop


New Member
Hi, I got some water from the system of a trusted shop. I tested it last night, NO3 was at 80...I am pretty sure that is not splendid and I am not using it for my tank, which was the original plan. The water sat in the vessels I got it since last Saturday.

The water on my new tank (6 days old tested pH 8, NO2 1, NO3 0, NH3 1)
Does water turn into crap like that? By just sitting there?

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Yes. If you get pre mixed water from the LFS it should be used the day of purchase, and certainly no later than the day after.


Google Warrior
Hi, I got some water from the system of a trusted shop. I tested it last night, NO3 was at 80...I am pretty sure that is not splendid and I am not using it for my tank, which was the original plan. The water sat in the vessels I got it since last Saturday.

The water on my new tank (6 days old tested pH 8, NO2 1, NO3 0, NH3 1)
Does water turn into crap like that? By just sitting there?

80ppm? That is high and definitely would not be buying water from them again, it's not uncommon for shops to sell tap water as Rodi water unfortunately.


80ppm? That is high and definitely would not be buying water from them again, it's not uncommon for shops to sell tap water as Rodi water unfortunately.

Or they let their membranes and DI resin go well past when it should be changed.


Google Warrior
If you mix your own you should let it sit with a heater and a pump in it for 12-24 hours before using so the salt has time to desolve completely and you can match your tank temps.


Well-Known Member
Yes. If you get pre mixed water from the LFS it should be used the day of purchase, and certainly no later than the day after.

why do you say that? I have water mixing for weeks at a time. I also store water for weeks at a time in sealed containers. I'm failing to make the connection of what change could be happening from the day you buy it and the next that would explain an Nitrate test reading 80.
Most of the time LFS water is trash due to the fact they don't change their filters. Sometimes its ignorance , sometimes its laziness , sometimes it's just to make a couple extra bucks. Usually if someone doesn't have the equipment to make their own water , the LFS is counting on the fact they also don't test their water. Sadly a lot of people are buying water from their LFS thats worse then their house water.

then again a lot of people buy bottled drinking water from the grocery store thats nothing more then tap water or chlorinated tap water.


New Member
It was from their system, I should have specified that by "from their system" I meant syphoned from their tanks.


Well-Known Member
ahh that makes more sense. Thats actually somewhat typical of store tanks since they constantly have merchandise moving out of the system along with dead livestock.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Thankfully my LFS is totally reputable and they mix theirs fresh daily. All tests are absolutely always spot on with their water. It was they who advised me to use it the same day or within 24 hours.

I would only use water mixed by them as they are reliable and trustworthy, and their water is always absolutely top quality.


Well-Known Member
the reason why they are saying that is , if you let the water sit you'll need to mix it again to aerate the water before putting it in the tank. It's a valid point but it's something that can be over come with a small powerhead or a bucket to mix the water at home. I thought you meant that the water had nitrates due to it sitting.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Well i buy the pre mixed salt water on a Thursday and do the water change on the Thursday evening or Friday daytime.

It is easier to buy it when i need it rather than have it sitting around. The reason i buy it versus mixing my own is down to a time issue as i have 3 jobs. I just know that if i had to mix my own i would do it less often and i don't have the room, time or inclination to by a R/O unit and salt buckets etc.

For what they charge it is more economical time wise to just buy it.


Active Member
so when you buy this water what are you getting as far as cal,alk and mag are you testing this water I don't trust some one else to make my water who maybe using cheap salt mix to make a dollar just my opion no offense intended

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
The water has perfect parameters all on test readings. And they only use quality salt for their mixes.

You may not trust your LFS due to previous bad experiences. But when i say mine is trustworthy and provides quality water with perfect parameters it would be nice if you actually believed me.


Active Member
Thats nice that you are able to get good qualty, and that you are checking what you get most LFS are known to use what ever they can buy the cheapest


Well-Known Member
I don't think that was an insult to you David Shaw. It's almost like saying I have a car dealership that I trust. The LFS is known for poor practices when it comes to selling RO and salt mix water. To date I've never been to an LFS that tests all batches of their mixes. Plus everyone has bad days and tired days and can tend to get a little bit lazy about how they do things.
I have seen some that are now running dual TDS meters which is a good thing but I'm not sure they really pay attention to them when the days get really busy.
A lot of LFS's are known also for using the cheapest salt mix possible. Which is ok if you have a fish only or a fowlr but not something I'd want for my reef tank.
Again I don't think its a slight against you just skeptism of the whole practice of buying water from the LFS. Generally speaking no one will care for the water quality of the water they make for the tank more then the home hobbyist.