water change schedule


I have a 40g system that isn't heavily stocked all I have is 1 clown 1 damsel 1 fire fish and a goby. I just got to the end of my cycle now and I was thinking to do 10g WC every 2 weeks. I don't have a skimmer yet but will be getting 1 soon so do you guys think that will be a good schedule or should I do 10g once a week? I will be getting my skimmer before I add anymore livestock.


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
5g a week would be my recommendation but you don't have a big bio load so 10g every 2 weeks works but keep an eye on your parameters, with a small load, you may not need much


I accidentally let my tank go with out a WC for 3 weeks the last time and all my parameters were still fine with a slight nitrate spike...amm 0 nitrite 0 and nitrates spike from 5 to 10...other than that it was good


Active Member
i change out about 20-25 gallons a week on my tank but that's like 20% of my tank volume and my tank is pretty heavily stocked. I would agree with previous comments and say 5 a week is the best bet. Always best to change out some water every week as to every two weeks to keep parameters from fluctuating to much.


ok thank everyone that sounds good...a 10g wc takes me only like 15 mins to do. so 5g a week wont take me no time at all