wanted euroreef, asm, or aqua c skimmer


New Member
I am looking for a aqua c EV240, euroreef RS250, or asm G4 or G4X for under $300.00, if you have one let me know price a I will be very interested in buying.


Fish Addict
You may also want to consider an Octopus recirculating skimmer. Fairly inexpensive. The 3000 model is rated at 400g, although the largest tank that I know anyone using one on is a 260g, and they say they are getting good results.


Well-Known Member
Can't get you a G4 or 4X for that cheap, but Noel at Oceans Aquariums has perhaps the best prices anywhere on them:
Just tell him BoomerD sent you. He usually only does business locally, but will ship (at your expense) to people I send him.