want new carpet, don't want to move the tanks


New Member
I need some suggestions. I'd love to get carpet in my living room. Right now we have laminate. The problem is I'm super messy when I clean my tanks (2 in the living room) and I don't want to tear the tanks down when the carpet is installed. Any solutions?
I talked to a carpet salesman & he said , move the tanks. Some help :)
Only thing I can come up with so far is buy a remnant and have it bound & just lay it over the laminate. That is not the best solution as the living room wall where that tanks are is not a striaght wall because of the fireplace hearth which is semi-circular. There is a tank one each side of the fireplace.
so the laminate would show in front of the tanks.

Not a huge problem in the scheme of things, but I'm sure someone will have a great idea!


Well-Known Member
thats a toughy. any possiblity of laying the carpet right up to the tanks, then have some extra carpet cut so that if/when you move the tanks it can be seamed in?

ps go steelers,,,they managed to not give a game away today


the wood dude
why not have them lay carpet up to about a foot or so of the tanks and leave a little of the laminate showing around the tanks.i dont think that would look to bad.are you taking up the laminate before they lay the carpet?because a laminate floor is a floating floor it has to be able to move a 1/4 in in all directions.i just ask this because i have layed several laminate floors. dave.


Active Member
I have the same problem, I would love to replace my carpeting in my family and living room. As for the Living room it will be some what easy. I was going to put tile down from the front door to the family room, 2 of my 4 tanks are in that area. So I can put tile around them, then when I chose to move the tanks I will put tile down where the tanks were. Now for the family room it will be much harder. I have not figured that one out yet.
1. Tank the tank down then put the carpet in then put the tank back in place, I don’t think so.
2. Put the carpet around the tank and then when the tank is moved splice the carpet in. I don’t like this idea that much.
3. Put carpet in around the tank and then when I move the tank put tile down under it. I kinda like this idea.
4. Put tile down, move the tank to the new tile, then put carpet down everywhere else. I do like this one.
5. Don’t put the carpet down, save your money and put it into your tank



If you're planning on tearing out the laminate, you may have no other choice than to move the tank. You could try cutting around the tank, but the dust would be untolerable, and I'm not sure if the remaining laminate would be structurally sound to support the weight of the tank without shifting. If you plan on overlaying with carpet (not sure of how high your base boards and such are), you'll have to go with a thin pad which will take away from the plush feeling of the carpet. Another note on the laminate: It's been my experience that when laminate gets wet and swells, it's finished since no refinishing can be done to the floor. Sorry I'm not offering a little more help, but if you were going from old carpet to new, it would be extremely easier to cut the carpet around the tank. Let us know what direction you're taking as I'm sure it will help somebody out down the road.


well i had this happen when i replaced the carpet floors in my living room with wood. Lucky me my 240g cichlid tank was in there!. I went to Lowes and got some furniture sliders. These things are rated to be able to smmothly slide over 4000 lbs. They were aboout $6 for 4, i used 8. I drained some water, a little less than half into some garbage cans and was able to lift the edges up enough to slide these furniture sliders under the stand. (you'll need a few friends for this) It was remarkably easy to slide the tank and stand over to one side of the room. I cut out the carpet, put 1/2 a room of wood flooring in, let it cure overnight, then slid the tank onto the new wood floor. Just refilled the tank and was back in business, then finished the rest of the room. I would not have believed that i could slide a 240g tank by myself with these sliders.. hope that helps, good luck!
I feel for you man, i have to move a 135g any day now. I removed all my carpet except whats under the tank. My whole down stairs will br tile :D No more wet carpet.:D :D


New Member
Wow! Thanks all! Lots of good ideas. I may approach my husband with the sliding tank option. It reminds me of the time I bought the piano! "no honey, it's not very heavy: :)
This will take some planning!
mwranger - I like # 3 & 5!
Thanks again for all the help.
PS> WoodDood - what's a grout joint? :)


the wood dude
thats where old people go and grout.lol no really it's the space in between each tile that has to be filled in with something it's called grout.any color you want[pretty much]. dave.


the wood dude
your working with a wet enviorment, seal the grout joints and your pretty much water proof[ at least where the tanks sitting] and thats what really matters is'nt it? dave.