Vermated Snails are rearing their ugly webs


Well-Known Member
So tonight right before lights go out I notice my leather tree is Very limp and pouty and there are Vermated Snails all around it. Frogspawn has a few attached to the trunk and they seem to be proliferating everywhere in the tank. Bothering the livestock=bothers me. So what do I do? Manually remove them? Errr, what a pain. Ideas?


The only thing I've found that works is to put super glue gel in them. Even if you break them off they come back.


Brunt of all Jokes~
vermetid snails are quite useful in your tank, they do no harm, if they are around a coral its because there is food, mother nature always wins haha


Well-Known Member
Yes I've been reading it.Lol, I dunno maybe I need to reduce the nutrients, I super gellled a couple of them yesterday but ran out of gel.