UV for 55g??


Hi, What recommendation can you give me on UV system For my tank. I want it to help reduce algae or control it, and also help fight ick. I really can't spend more than $100. I am thinking to use it in the sump because in display tank I have too many visual distraction( 2 power head, skimmer pump mag 3 and overflow)


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
To kill waterborne parasites, the flow through a UV must be very slow but can be much faster to kill off water borne algae. Keep in mind that it will not be a complete success for parasites since it only kills parasites that pass through the unit leaving the other lucky parasites to find a host. Many factors are involved with the success of an UV; flow rate, water clarity, bulb age, cleanliness of internal sleeve, turnover rate, etc. I would probably use at the very minimum, a 15 watt UV for your 55 gal set up.

UV Sterilization - What Is It, and How Are UV Sterilizers Used in Saltwater Aquariums

With all of that said, I do have an Aqua UV 40 watt sterilizer installed on my reef. It has a wiper that helps to keep the internal quartz sleeve clean. I am happy with my decision to install it. It is difficult to say for sure if it has or has not helped to keep my reef inhabitants healthier but I would think it has.


Smile Maker
For that size tank you will need a 15W UV sterilizer running about 600-700 gph. Current makes a pretty good sterilizer. Check around, you should be able to get one for around $100.00.


Well-Known Member
UV will only work for algae and other organisms that are in the water column. It won't do anything for algae on the rocks, sand, or glass. For algae control reduction of nutrients is key. Your money might be better spent on a RO/DI unit (if you don't have one), or a phosban reactor and phosban.

As far as Ick goes. A UV will kill the free floating organisms (not the ones on the fish). A hyposalinity treatment would probably work better for Ick on the fish.

You may want to check your water parameters just to be sure there isn't a problem there. Also, weekly water changes would probably help since it appears that you have more than one problem going on. Good luck.