Upgrading from 90g to 120g


Hi all, after having some problems with my substrate (pool filter sand) I was going to change out the existing sand with live sand. This is a PITA as we all know or those who have done it. At first I was going to take a little out on wc day each week and then I started to think about this daunting task:tears: then I started to look at bigger tanks to cheer me up a little :smirk: I have to stay in the 4' range because of the layout and the 120 gives me a little more room front to back 48x24x24. My questions are, should I move all the coral and fish to my sump (125g) or put them in tubs? I had planed on putting the rock in tubs. Also I will be drilling the new tank and installing a glass-holes overflow with 2" drains that will handle my return pump much more efficiently than the U tubes I have now. The stand and hood I have now will be modified to the new tank dimensions. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
are you going to be doing the change over in one day or over a couple days? you don't want to seperate the fish and the live rock if its going to be a couple days long.


I'm going to try to do it in one day...lol the tank and overflow comes in next Thursday so I will drill it and paint the back that night to get ready for Saturday.


I"m thinking about going BB but not sure, my jaw fish wouldn't like me very much but he's made his home at the bottom of the rock pile rubble not in the sand so just throwing that out there.