Upgrading a tank


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm going to be upgrading to a 110 in a few months. What I need to know is, how should I go about it? The tank is going to go in the same location as my 50, so I'll have to pull everyone out of the 50, move the 50 to it's new location (It's not going away, it's going to become a firefish reef), and set up the 110 in its place. The tricky part is that I won't have the live rock on hand to fully stock the tank right away. Should I put the corals and fish into my QT tank while I set up the 110 from scratch? Should I go the bucket route and add the necessary live rock to make up the 170 pounds I want in there? I don't want to stress my inhabitants, and figure that might be risky, unless I can get good local cured rock.


Well-Known Member
I'd move the 50 to it's new location first. Since it's not too big a tank, you should be able to remove the corals and live rock to buckets, save the water, and them move the tank. Then put everything back in without a major problem, or even a "mini cycle".

Then you set up the new tank in the old location.


Active Member
^ LFS do that all the time. Sometimes I think we over think things [albeit important to ask and cover all the bases to protect our critters].