Tree looking stuff


A few of these little guys started growing recently. What are they? Do i keep them? Thanks!




Well-Known Member
ReefGuy69 said:
I wouldnt worry about them. unless they start firing lazors out at you.
well they could be reading the owners minds and plot to rule the world? PERHAPS?


Well-Known Member
wow, hydroids are wicked cool, i dont know much about them but i have read about them in Marine Invertebrates, great find


They do retract when anything comes close, as well as shovel food into their center with each branch. I have at least 10 of these starting to grow from my rock. I was a little worried since they all started growing within the same week. I was worried an invasion was imminent and was going to be forced resort to my laser-firing coral species I have growing in my fuge. Thanks for the help!


I have these in my tank as well and they had spread into several areas. I do remove them only from the areas where they are encroaching on my corals, but leave the rest. They are cool!


Well-Known Member
Hydroids are very bad for a tank. They can sting corals and eventually kill them. One of my friends had to take down his 380 because hydroids kill all of the corals in the tank and completely took over the live rock. But those hydroids looked much different. And I have some of the ones that your talking about and they dont seem to grow nearly as fast.