Thought I had QT's properly but....


Hello All,
I have been reefing for about 7 years. I currently have a 1 year running 175 bow front built in reef. I have done QT on every fish and treated with Prazipro and Cupramine as a precaution. I coral dipped all frags. The only thing that I was not perfect on was adding crabs, snails, with only drip acclimation but I never added the store water to my DT. The newest item in the past 2 months was a few feather dusters, 2 coco worms and some snails. I did a major cleaning and 40 % water change, I vacuumed 1/4 of my sand. Now my blue tang has signs of ich within 2 days of the new water. I am very disappointed and not looking forward to the daunting task of setting up about 4 QT tanks and the fallow period. My question is..... Can my fish tolerate another round of the Copper? Does heavy metal stay in the fish's system and build up over time? I don't want to do tank transfer because it seems overwhelming to me but if it would shorten the lifespan to receive more copper I will do Tank Transfer. Also, who does QT snails and for how long? I know the Ick can be on their shell but not actually infect the long do you keep new "wet stuff" in a QT tank. My plan is to get all fish out.....take my Hoeven Wrasse back to the fish store because he was a bad choice (although beautiful) and let the Tank stay fallow for the 72 days, but I will add a bunch of snails this week and start the fallow period at that point. I need more clean-up crew so I will add them now and let them settle in. Thank you for your thoughts and any advice/support....Also, please leave out advice on how to treat with garlic and other remedies in tank instead of removing all is such a tired topic of debate. Thanks


Thanks cubs fan. I just thought someone might tell me if a 2nd round of copper would hurt my fish.....would be nice if my clowns spawn one day etc. also, how do I make sure any new crabs, snails do not reinfect?


Thanks cubs fan. I just thought someone might tell me if a 2nd round of copper would hurt my fish.....would be nice if my clowns spawn one day etc. also, how do I make sure any new crabs, snails do not reinfect?

If you are worried about using more chemicals on your fish, why not just do hypo salinity in QT? You are taking all of the fish out anyway and hypo would avoid any medications. Just a thought; good luck!


Ok....I guess I will research how to do it properly. I guess I thought I had 2 options, copper/tank transfer. Can my goby/shrimp pair do hypo salinity together so they aren't splint up? (The shrimp can't do copper but what about hypo.)


I am reading instructions from member Leebca written in 2007. It seems certain that I will not put my shrimp in hypo salinity with my goby.


Thank you Dianakay for the link. I will read it all....I hope there is info about quarantine for all 'wet stuff' to prevent this in the future. Feather dusters, macro algae, pods, snails. My kids are very excited about building fish traps and are entering the project in the school science fair. They are also going to explain the life cycle of ich.


Well-Known Member
This Univ of Florida article on marine ich may be of interest to you (treating for it) and your kids (for their school science fair):

It does go into several ways of treating w/meds in the text section, that may interest you. And scroll down past the reference section to see a table on treatment options.


Thank you Oxy. I feel like you are doing my school science project with me. The photos of stages are great. I really liked the table with options to disinfect equipment. Really a solid scientific article with references. Much appreciation. My kids are young but I can use parts of this article.