Thinking of starting 10 gal nano with natural filtration only


Well-Known Member
I read back in the day that some people keep these nano reefs cooler, like 72-74 degrees... any thoughts on that? ive been tossing around the idea of a small tank in my office, would be easy to just bring water in from home... thinking it wouldn't even really have to cycle b/c id just use existing tank water...

Steve L

My daughter decided she wanted just one more fish for her tank so my project is on hold for at least a couple more weeks while her new fish finishes quarantine. I've been looking for good suppliers of ricordia and so far the best I've found is on eBay and locally on Craigslist. Some guy in Florida is selling 10 for $100 including overnight shipping and I found another guy local to me that sells them for $12 each in a wide assortment of colors. Now I just need to find somebody with a nice supply of rock flower and mini-max carpet nems.


can't carpet nems over populate rather quickly and eat smaller fishes more so than bta or am I thinking of something else


Well-Known Member
All of the carpet anemones can eat fish stupid enough to go into them. They have fairly powerful stinging cells. It sort of feels like your touching the sticky side of scotch tape.

There are a group of anemones that can get you, especially in thin areas of your skin like the inner wrist or if you have a small cut. Rubber gloves are recommended for handling them. I wouldn't put them in the tank if you have young children around that might just put their hand in the tank.

I don't think you'd have an over population problems, because they are a desirable anemone. You can sell, trade or give away the extras.