things crawling on my glass


hey guys, i am seeing more and more of those odd see through/transpart almost like jellyfish body.... those things are crawling on my glass, they are too tiny for me to take a picture of, so he here is fast drawing i did of what it looks like....


i hope it helps, and thanks in advance!


maybe look up copepods or isopods (spelling?) on google the shape seems to fit it. If so they are good.


thanks for the link jewells, but the guys that i got are almost more jelly like, i think iamelmo might be right... but i can't find any flatwarm on google that match the exact same shape :(


Well-Known Member
There are many types of flatworms. The orangish ones are bad and some others as well. I had some that were white almost clear and they just went away. I never saw a problem.
If they are one of the bad guys then the answer is Flatworm Exit but use care and vacuum as many out as you can before and after the treatment. They are toxic when they die so you want them out of the tank as quickly as possible.


hmm... damn none of those fit my guys.... they are mostly pale/see through
and they don't have 3 tails only 2... i am going to try and get a magnifying glass and take pics of them


they are a sign of excess nutrients. often they will regulate their own population as the food disappears. i have a small population of red "bad" ones but it remains small and i don't actually see any adverse side effects. you could either flatworm exit them and siphon out the deadies or just continue maintaining water quality, ensuring you have no dead spots with flow and it should come right. i also hear six line wrasses eat them


that makes sense, i was over feeding my tank the past few days, i was testing if my tank can handle more than once a day feeding. i guess not.

i wouldn't mind getting a 6 line wrasse, but i heard too many times that they can get pretty agro... i also would like to add a mandarin one day, and i need to have 0 compaction for his food