The Maryland 2.5 pico


Well-Known Member
Victor sent me sumpin!!! he he he.

Pictures to come, I gotta go to work soon.

Mike set up a 2.5g pico with fine sand and a nice lookin' rock. The lighting is still.... undetermined. He got a lamp from ebay and the thing sputtered after a month. He's thinkin of getting a screw in 26w pc half blue half white bulb.

For now, Victor's jam jar goodies have been added and that SHOULD be enough to get a cycle going. The rock Mike put in there WAS LR in the 75 but it's been out of water for 6 to 9 months, so we don't expect there to be anything live on it.


Well-Known Member
Hm. I see coralline already. Spreading purple. Along with the brown diatom crap.

So what would you put in this thing? 2.5g, light will probably be about 13W per gallon if Mike gets the light he's thinking of getting. I like zoos, they're lots of pretty colors, Mike is thinking softies, but isn't that a bit more light than softies want? Please submit suggestions. I am suffering from a lack of creativity at the moment.