The MANTIS Shrimp Club!

I currently have a mantis shrimp in my refugium, I was going to leave him in there, but had a change of mind and want to just put him in another tank, I guess my question would be is there anyway I can get like a 10 gallin tank and some how run a pump from my main tank to the 10 gallin so it is still all the same water or should I just by a nano or something to put him in??? He is tiny right now, I dont know what kind he is but I would like to go ahead and keep him!!! Let me know what yall think also what should I put in there for him? Right now he just lives in the 7 lb rock which I have seen him digging out for a few weeks now!!!! Let me know !!! Thanks in advance.!


Well-Known Member
plumbing the systems togeather will help with consistancy water wise.

10gallon depends on the species. sounds like you may have a small gonodactyloid.


well i am getting my new lil buddy on thursday... he is coming rush delivery thursday... hes is a Gonodactylellus Viridis... he is all white with lile tan spots... hes about 2 inches long... a smasher

ill post pictures later


I just bought my first mantis over the weekend :woohoo: and I absolutely love him. His name is Bob! The pictures are not the best. He is in a 29g Biocube by himself and as you can see he has already crushed some rock to create a little den for himself. I have also placed 2 pieces of PVC pipe in the tank that he will hide his food in and will sleep.

He is eating very well, He swims up to the side of the tank when I approach and follows me with his eyes already where ever I go in my office.


I just bought my first mantis over the weekend :woohoo: and I absolutely love him. His name is Bob! The pictures are not the best. He is in a 29g Biocube by himself and as you can see he has already crushed some rock to create a little den for himself. I have also placed 2 pieces of PVC pipe in the tank that he will hide his food in and will sleep.

He is eating very well, He swims up to the side of the tank when I approach and follows me with his eyes already where ever I go in my office.

Sorry Bob....I had named him Bob before I found this club!!!:LOL:


introducing my new mantis who came in early....





cool..have you had a chance to see him eat yet? You are going to have so much fun with him/her? I never thought I would like mine as much as I do. I find myself just sitting there staring at him, and him staring at me. We make a good pair


I am thinking about getting a mantis shrimp and want to house him in a 10 gallon tank very similar to question is what would you guys suggest as the best filter and lighting for this?


well i just have a very basic 40 w pc lighting that i picked up from marine depot for 60 bux... i had a few differnt colors and a hammer coral that did fine under it... i am thinking about adding a shelf higher up in the tank to place frags on...

if i could do it over though i would get the t5 light cuz its a lil more light for like 5 dollars more


That would be much easier than some of the mor complicated filters out there and much cheaper! So you don't need a sump or anything just to house a mantis and some shrooms and zoas?


Well-Known Member
John, no. You need to fix your deadly problems before you can have any more livestock. Its just stupid and cruel. One you fix your 125 you can plumb a mantis tank into the 125 system. Be patent, it will happen.


Oh i know...I'm thinking for the future! Definitley not right now! I don't have the time to get another something started while trying to get the 135 straight!


Well-Known Member
It would be cheaper and easer to plumb the mantis tank in to the 135. Something to look forward to.


Yeah with the down time in stocking the big tank I am trying to plan on what to stock it with! My LFS has a mantis that is ust their's and is not for sale and I love that thing so when the time comes that I have fixed my big tank I would like to set up something for a Mantis!!