test kits?


At work we just use the API test kit, that is where I will be testing my water at least until pay day. When I do buy my own test kit, is API reliable enough? I just need to know when there are ammonia and nitrites present and an approx level of nitrates so I know when to do water changes (and then of course pH).


Princess Diana
I used the API Saltwater Master Kit to test when my tank was cycling...then I bought the API Reef Master Test Kit because I wanted to test for Calcium & Phosphate levels as well. They will be a good start for you, IMO.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, API test kits are at best only fair. They are ok, but I have had problems with some of them, possibly because they were sitting on the LFS shelves for too long.

Of the aquarium grade test kits, I like SeaChem, and Sailfret. You usually need to get them as individual test kits. That isn't as bad as it sounds, because you really only need ammonia and nitrite to cycle the tank or if you see a really bad problem, so any old test kit will work for these.

In you want to get in to lab grade test kits Hach or Lamotte both make excellent test kits, but a work of warning here. They are extremely expensive.


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I really like the salifert test for ammonia, very clear where as the API kit showed .25 "possibly".

Good beginner kits though


I am using API master kit since I started and it does fine for me. I hear a lot of people saying its not accurate but all the LFS stores around here also use it. I would say its a good affordable starter kit. However once I run out of drops I will upgrade.