

JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I am thinking about getting a White cheek tang and a kole tang for my 90.....i don't know too much about any expierences with the white cheek.....anyone out there have any input?



JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
I looked at all of those.....thats how i have been narrowing it down but i want to get some expierences from people who have them.....i think they are also called powder brown tangs as well - can you verify that? The lfs has on in stock and it looks nice but the body is "brown" instead of purple-blue like liveaquaria says.

Thanks for helping out with my decision process.


Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Could be a Powder Brown, check the scientific name to be sure.

Don't have any Personal experience, what does your LFS have to say? Should mix well with the Kole.

:) :D :cool: ;) :p :smirk:


i had a powder brown before and I would say they are on the aggressive side. Not as bad as a powder blue but mine chased his tankmates from time to time, esp during feeding. Didnt kill anything ....


JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
JKS, was the powder brown in your 29?.....also, did it stay brown or did it turn the purple blue color on the body?




My powder blue tang nips at my lawnmore blenny, and only occasionally at a chromis [usually during feeding] so it's not all that agressive. It might be that there isn't all that much room for it to be territorial.

I guess it would also depend on the amount of room in the 90. 90 gal - rock - sand makes ? gal. I know they need room to swim. I have one PB tang in my 75 gal, but it's probably only 30 gal at most water [8" sand bed and lots of rock, HA!] so I'm gutting it very close to the amount of room that mine has to swim. It does line to go in the 'holes' between the rocks I have to give it 'something to do'.


Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Would everyone mind responding with the scientific name of the tang they are referring to to reduce any confusion, thanks!

:) :cool: :D ;) :p :smirk:


I have had a Acanthurus japonicus White-Faced Surgeonfish for about a year now. in the past it was prone to light bouts of ick. But has been healthy for about 6 months now. It's a great fish that was introduced after three chromis. After he was in the tank a Bicolored Blenny, 2 false Percs, and a cleaner wrasse were introduced there was little to no harassment and everyone gets along great. I think the Bicolour and the Surgeon my be forbidden lovers as they always hang together.



JoePa lives on!!!
Staff member
OK...what is the common name for the Acanthurus japonicus?
And what is the common name for Acanthurus nigricans?

and please don't say they are the same or i am going to just quit!!!





They are not the same fish, but are mistakenly named the same common names. I have had a Acanthurus japonicus, which is what I have tipiclly refered to as the powder brown. I ahve never actuallys een a nigricans in my lFS stores, and I believe they are somewhat harder to find too.
Mine eats very well, but came down with ich shortly after getting it. It actually gets bullied a bit from time to time by other fish in the tank like the achilles tang. This is more the rarity and not the rule. Despite both of them having similar body shapes, they have both done well over time.
They are very active swimmers, even mor so than all my other tangs (yellow, naso, achilles, and hippo). They are also very sensitive to ich, and even more so than any of the other tangs mentioned. I think the powder blue is the only one ahead of him in that department. If I was to have this fish in a 90 gal, which with all the rock, sand, and corals is going to to be tiny for him in 6-9 months, I would keep him by himself. Will do better in the long run.
Knowing what I know now, this and a moorish idol are the only fish I would quarentine.


By the way, they won't engorge themselves when eating, so they do much better by being fed several times per day rather than one heavy feeding. Keep a fresh nori sheet out for him daily too.


Active Member
Here is my newest tank, I dont remember what they called it, but I like it.


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