Tang - white "spongy" thing on fin tips


Ive had 4 tangs(3 types) all 3-4+ inches and they all started out shy but after a couple weeks they would follow my face back and forth in front of the tank. Itll chill out in a couple weeks or so. Especially if its in good health.
I made a short movie as pics seemed impossible for me sorry. Check the end of her fin for the white spot.
Also under her gill she has a sort of splinter sticking out :O I got no clue what it is... It really looks like a splinter.


if it looks like little cottons balls, it could be lyphocystis. My kole tang got them on his fin tips and it took awhile to go away. I read tangs tend to get this when stressed and it is kina like a herpes for fish.


Cheers lukeeluciano :)

I'll see how the product works that I dosed yesterday before diverting to another form of medication. At this point the white seems to slowly come off today. Could be with the dosing or just by itself. Either way the tang seems to be progressing good.
I am by no means an expert like alot of these members but I went through the same problem. I thought it was ich and I showed my LFS and looked online. Was confirmed to be lymphocystis caused by something stressing the fish out. So when that fish gets stressed again, his immune system will go down and out comes the lymphocystis again. So once they have it, it will pop up again.rr
It will go away sooner or later. Just provide a stress free enviroment.


After 2 days of trying to feed seaweed now, she finally went for it! Although she still doesn't graze at the one on the clip, but when I attach it to a rock she digs it :)
Wanna know what did the trick? Garlic! Really, just soaked the weed in a bit of garlic and the moment it entered the tank she went nuts.

Love seeing her progress this good, thanks to all of you!

