Surviving Charley


Hey folks,
My area was badly hit when Hurricane Charley came thru. I was without power and water for 4 days. Much of central florida is still without power (last I heard still tens of thousands of people without power and water) and lots of destruction. But my fish survived thanks to the Pen-Plax Silent Air B11 battery operated air pump. It runs on two D batteries and I got almost 60 hours out of it before I had to replace the batteries. I just wanted to advise people to get one of these things (or another brand) in case of a power outtage. I was expecting the pump to run for about 24 hours max before changing the batteries but I got a lot more out of it than it advertised. On the downside, I had massive Xenia deaths and a few corals look like they are on their way out (eg, a colony of brown acropora just finished expelling the last of its zooxanthellae and is totally bleached now). The BTA is looking pretty bad too. I'm about to do a water change. If I had the $$$ I'd get a back-up generator for future catastophies.

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Hang in there Randy. Lot's of folks as you know are much worse off than you and your tank. Glad you are OK.

You might want to get another of those units and change water frequently for more gas exchange as well as to export the bad stuff. Good luck!


We have one that we had to use till we borrowed Mark's dad's generator when Isabelle hit last year. Very good and inexpensive gaget to have around. Also, glad to hear your ok!


Active Member
Randy sorry to hear. I will be back in florida in 2 months, get things back up and running and if you are willing to take a little drive to Palm Beach I will hook you up with some frags from my reef to get you going again:) Deal?



Thanx everyone for the kind words.

Playa, not to worry my friend. Like everyone says, I'm just glad that my friends and family are safe. Thank you for your very kind offer, though. It's good to know that people care.

Sambot, I run my lights for 12 hours. I think that I shocked the acro (it was high up) and caused it to bleach. I did frag a piece though, and today it looks like it is surviving (I placed it on the sand).



Good I hope it makes it. I'm starting with five hours of mh and ten of actinic. My sister is in Orlando and still has no power. I'm glad yours is back. Good Luck with everything.