Sunslighting Metal Halide


Has anyone bought and used metal halides from Please give me an experienced response rather than a bias one because I dont have the money like some to buy name brand products at the moment. I know i can save a little more (alot actually) but this isnt the case. Has anyone bought from them and how are they compare to Odyssea. are they on par with the higher brands or ALOT chitier?? I was thinking the 2x250HQI and 2x54T5HO from either aquatrader or sunslighting. Thanks in advance


Are you thinking of 2x250 watt on your 20 gallon? If so, then that is way too much. However, I'm guessing its for something larger. I do have a JBJ 150 watt HQI for sale if you are interested. However, I don't have any experience with sunslighting.