sump failure again


New Member
On my quest to reduce microbubbles entering the sump i have designed my 6th modification to my 30 gallon rubbermaid sump.

The return flows into a rubbermaid container which contains micron pad on the bottom and floss on the top. It then drains down through holes in the bottom to another rubbermaid container with holes on the bottom. From there it flows into a bucket without holes, travles above the bucket into another bucket with holes on the bottom.

Talk about baffling! after all this i still have microbubbles at 500gph into the sump after all that. I shut of EVERYTHING in the tank. All flow, then i turned on my UV which has 150gph i ran it through my sump baffling system, I then took a flashlight and again saw microbubbles LOL I totatly give up.

I have spent many hours on this and still can not solve the problem. My PH is low I cant get it above 7.9 during the day thats with 432 watts abouve it. Perhaps it is a water quality problem. This is the most frustrating time i ever had in my 6 years in the saltwater hobby.

150gph causing microbubbles through all that baffiling i have totaly exhausted all ideas


Well-Known Member
A stab in the dark here, but there might be a small leak in your return line that is sucking in air..... Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree it might be something like pin hole in the tubing causing the bubbles. might have to just get all new plumbing. for the ph whats your other levels, Ca+, ALK. how new is this system? also, are you useing a skimmer?


New Member
All flow in the tank is off. No pumps running no powerheads nothing. I hook up the 150 gph UV through 4 baffels and still get bubbles.


I had the same problem, and kept thinking that it was my rubbermade container, and I had a small screw barb fitting that wasn't sealed good and letting in air bubbles.
If your pump's imput is blocked or restricted, it could also be cavitating and causing the bubbles..