Strongest pump for NC 24gal DX?


New Member
What is the strongest pump I can use as a return pump for my stock NC Will a Maxijet900 be too strong,230gph? I'm planning to split the output at the top so I can remove my second pump for a cleaner look. BTW what is the pump rating of the stock pump?


I would say a maxi jet 900 isn't the limit. it all depends on what you are going to keep and how well you can spread the flow. Is the pump going to be in tank? I used to run an AC 820 I believe in a 5.5. it was a little much but it again all depends on what your doing. flow is complex. especially in the little tanks.

Take my 190 for example. I have a sequence pumping 2000 gals into the tank with eductors which triple the flow so I have about 6000 gph with that and two 6080s in it each at over 2000gph each. So 10000 gph or so 50x turn over. Is it enough for my tank? Not really. I need a little more here or there. so think more about how the flow is in the tank rather than what pump would work. it is a lot of trial and error till you get it right.


i belive the 24 gal has a 290gph pump included.... yep according to my box and their website it has a 290 included. that is enough for a good reef tank, you want 10x cycling rate and that is a little more.

best thing you could do for flow is add on to their jet so you can have it flowing in more than one direction