Strange Tamarin Wrasse Behavior?


This morning, my Yellowtail Tamarin Wrasse was behaving very unusually.
Normally it's very active in the morning feeding and swimming among the rocks, but this morning it was rubbing itself on one of the powerheads, almost as though it was "hosting" it.
I fed it some white worms and blood worms by hand and it ate them as usual, so it's not off its food.
There's nothing growing on it and nothing new has been added for weeks.
Now it's buried itself in the sand, tail-first, which I understand they do to rest, but it's the first time that it has done it in full view.
Normally at this time of day, it is tucked-up in its little cave around the back and comes out again later in the day.
As I type this, it has come out of the sand and returned to its cave.

I know that the Yellow-Tail is the female species of Anampses Meleagrides, so could it be broody???



Well-Known Member
When you see something like this it can be a normal behavior for the fish, but sometimes it's because of disease or water quality issues. Check out both possible problems.