Stocking a 265 Gallon Reef Aquarium?


Hello, I recently got a 265 Gallon aquarium from my dad. It's brand new about to be set up in my house. We purchased 350lbs of live rock. Basically during the cycling period I'm trying to think of SPS, LPS, and some softies for the tank, and what would look good. Also fish wise, I have absolutely no idea. Also looking for fish recommendations too. The only reason I'm asking is because there is only a few corals that I want, but I have no idea what else to put in there! (So far I want some pom pom xenia, and 2 clowns)

BTW, I have a $1,000 budget to work with!



how about a bta or carpet for the clowns ofcourse after the tank is mature. Ofcourse you have to get a Tang maybe a Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang. With that size tank you have alot of options.