Sticker Shock


No Longer a Member
Today I got kicked out of my LFS. I guess they were not happy when I asked them why they were robbing their customers!

Turbofloter Multi $399

4X65W PC 48" strip light $270

Rio 3100 $125

And the clincher! When I exclaimed "Holy Begeezus!"

Dual 150W Metal halide with dual 65W PC actinic 48" hood: $1500.00:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Are these prices high relative to the other shops in the area or are they just high compared to other places in the USA?


No Longer a Member
We had two LFS in town, one went out of business, previously a 200 gallon bucket of Instant Ocean there was $48. Since the other went out of business it is now $69


Fish Addict
Holy cow!!! Those are extremely high! I thought my lfs was ripping people off on their dry goods! I'm glad you said something tho.:D


Well-Known Member
out-rageous....i guess they wanted it for show items,,,marked them high so no one would buy them...LOL


It s called making a living, paying the rent, utilities and employee's. Until you have been in their shoes it's tough to criticize. The operating cost's alone of a store can approach $10000 per month.Than you have to compete with the chain stores on top of that!

No one forces the customer to buy anything its a free market and the store can charge what they want and the customer can shop where they want. If you made this comment to me I would throw you out to. Would'nt you be upset if I said your reactors are way over priced and you knew that you barely make enough to get by with charging what you do for them? Not a personal attack here but a have done a business plan for a LFS and saw what it takes to run one i can speak from an inside view.I really think the average hobbiest does not fully understand what it takes both money and time wise to run a succesful business. Back off them a little they are just trying too make in a hard business to make it in.


No Longer a Member
no wonder they pay $20 for a red sea xenia frag and $16 for purple montipora! So I just have my friends trade in my frags for me. Toook them a year to figure out one guy who was continually trading in frags knew me!


No Longer a Member
Captive Reefs, I beg to differ, There is a difference between making a profit and making a profit! I actually help out another not so LFS, about a 45 minute drive, and well, this is insane!


Well-Known Member
i can make references to the pricing, having managed a Large-scale full line LFS for several years, dont screw the customer rule one, jacking the price wont sell it, i sold on lower profit ratio and made more money by selling more. and no my store didnt close, it is still up and running, making money the way its reputaion made it...good products at great prices.
if you screw the customer,,,you wont have them for long


Has been struck by the ban stick
Well living in "Middle of Nowhere" Montana our LFS prices are quite reasonable and the owner gives you descent breaks on livestock and dry goods from time to time. We enjoy going there and they are fun to chat with so feel really fortunate.:)


I agree those prices are insane and they will probably soon be out of business. I would have made some kind of comment too.
I commonly travel 2+ hours to get to any "lfs" and so I have had alot of opportunity to compare prices, which range from a reasonable retail to a total rip off.
Smart shoppers know when they are being ripped off. Usually I see a much higher price on dry goods in shops as compared to online retail, but those higher prices are often made up for in excellent customer service, an ability to see the item before buying, and convenience. Also the better shops will have good prices on livestock to offset the higher dry goods retail, and will have frags at a LOW price. I won't shop at a store that has outrageous prices across the board, but if I can get my livestock for a reasonable price I will often buy dry goods at the same location IF reasonable retail.
I think that everyone understands that retail establishments are costly to run, but better prices equals more customers.
The most successfull retail establishments will often run at a deficit for a time until they build a large loyal customer base. Any smart business manager understands that, it is a basic tenant. When starting any business you have to plan to lose money for awile, it should be part of the budgeting for long term success.
Those prices are far above normal retail, and totally unreasonable!



Well-Known Member
exactly reefer girrrl, the owner and i thought we were to not going to turn a profit for 2 yrs,,,we did it in just over a year, a petco was shopping the area and we were worried that they would hurt our business, later when they didnt open in the area rather 40 miles away, our main supplier sales rep (who had their acct to) told us they decided not to be around us because they couldnt compete with us.


My point is that the consumer sets the prices. If this store can charge this and sell items then they should. A smart business owner will maximize profits wherever they can while keeping customers happy. If the prices are to high sales will fall and the prices will have to be lowered. There is a happy medium of maximum profit and customer satisfaction. Look on my site and other internet retailers we are all about the same on prices. This is what the consumer is willing to pay. No one will pay $50 for B-ionic but they will pay $25-27 this is where most E-tailers are in price. If I saw that I could get $50 for B-ionic I would charge that all day and not feel guilty about it. From a business owners perspective I feel that if items are selling with regularity and sales are up than the customer must feel they got a fair price. Bottom line in any business is money; you have to make enough to stay in business with the overhead you have.