Starting A Tank


New Member
So we're picking out fish we want to put in our tank but the problem is its a pretty small one, ten gallons!

So what fish can life comfortably and safely in a tank that size?


Well-Known Member
With a tank that small your going to have very few choices. Look at these, each will list the minimum tank size for 1 fish. Good luck!

Nano Fish


I have an established 10g nano reef.It will be a fun Project!I have kept (over time) the following fish.

Small False Perc Clown Fish.
Small SixLine Wrasse
Blue Devil Damsel
2 Yellow Tail Damsels
Small Pygmy Angel
..Please Not I did not keep these all at once.Good Luck with the tank let's see photos!


Active Member
Yeah, with a small tank you'll have limited choices. Although I've never had them, I've heard clown gobies have a lot of personality and are fun to watch. Good luck with it!


Active Member
I have a green banded goby in my Nano that has great colors and a fun personality. I think it's listed in the link Tom provided in post #2.
I've also had clown gobies which are fun to watch and neon gobies which are colorful although not as much personality.
I'd go with one medium size fish that stays in the water column quite a bit like maybe a clown and then one or two nano fish like mentioned above.
Good luck!

Oh, or you could go with a small shrimp goby and a pistol shrimp. Those are always a fun choice because of their relationship with each other.
If you're not familiar with them, do a YouTube search and check them out too.