SPS lighting duration


Well-Known Member
Well my 55gal seems to be headin in a mostly SPS direction besides my Trumpet coral a kenya tree a couple zoa colonies 13 Ricorias and a RTBA . I am currently running 1x true atinic 1x blue plus and 2x coral plus all T5 HO 54w ATIs. Currently the true atinic and blue plus come on at 10:30am followed by the 2 coral plus at 11am then the coral pluses of at 6:30pm followed by the true atinic and blue plus at 7pm for a total of 8.5 Hrs. all seems to be doing good . Should I increase the lighting duration? Dont want them to start dwindling due to not enough light. Oh also have some Montipora.

PH 8.3
salinity 1.025
nitrite 0
nitrate .5
ammonia 0
calcium 440
mag about 1300
phos 0


I believe sps will start turning brown when they dont get enough light. Its pretty noticeable.

I bought a green slimer that was kept in a low current so it grew really tall and thin so i set it on its side to get it growing more branches(which worked) and now if you look at the bottom, its completely brown.


New Member
RBTA, Rics and Kenya Tree in a 55 officially makes that an Anemone/Ric/Tree Coral tank...and a soon to be very crowded one. Where do you have room for SPS? ;)

If you're feeling serious about the stony corals (which aren't going to have much room to grow out after the Tree and Anemone have taken their space), I would start purging the Tree Coral ASAP and sell/transplant the anemone soon. Rics don't typically take over as bad as mushrooms but I'd start thinking about another tank for them as well.

Good luck regardless!



Well-Known Member
Well so far so good. heres a peek.


