Spammie's Tank :)


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RS Ambassador
***UPDATE*** Here is a full tank shot as of today, I added new corals and rock. You can clearly see the difference if you have been following my tank/rockscape over the last months! Lol, i totally need to fix that powerhead that fell :)

See, see, see....I told you it was only a matter of time before this SLOWLY transforms into a reef tank....:D:D:D:happywalk:dance:


Active Member
UPDATE: I got a new Butterfly fish guys!
I finally thought that my tank was ready and stable enough to get one of these. He didn't eat much for the first week, but did pick at the rocks all the time. Now he is accepting frozen brine and mysis shrimp. Its a very cool fish.



Active Member

My tank turned a year old this month, since the last time I have updated my chronicle, i have gotten a clownfish for my other clown, and a couple corals including some hammer heads, mushrooms, elegant coral, polyps, and torch corals. Here are some pictures! :square:



Active Member
**UPDATE** I got a carpet anemone for my clowns! They hosted it on the same day:)

For those of you who one one, or have owned one... any recommendations? I'd love to hear about your experiences with this anemone! :bouncer:


Active Member
I got one and I'm a little scared of it to be honest lol, I take a lot of care around it that's for sure as my last one from 10years back gave me a sting to remember lol.

It's great that your clowns have took a shine to it. Mine ignore mine completely and rather sit in a tiny clump of pulse coral!